根据大连市律师协会国际投资与贸易法律专业委员会2012年度计划,在2012年我们将邀请国内外知名法律专家到大连就国外相关法律制度以及中国律师办理国际业务需注意的问题进行专题讲座。此次我们邀请在澳大利亚和中国均有丰富教学经验的澳籍讲师Mr. Rohan Price为大连律师讲解澳大利亚海商法。
Mr. Rohan Price讲师简介附后
讲座时间:2012年4月19日 周四下午14:00-16:00
讲座题目:"Choice of Law, Demurrage and the Jurisdiction of Australian Courts in an International Shipping Environment"
Introduction of Mr.Rohan Price Mr. Rohan Price 柏洛漢 is a Lecturer of Law at the University of Tasmania where he teaches Torts, Maritime Law and Labor Law. His best known works are The Employment Laws of Hong Kong and China (Lexis Nexis 2009) and The Principles of Australian Employment Law (Thomson Reuters 2012). He is currently a Visiting Professor of Law at Dalian Maritime University where he teaches "International Perspectives on Maritime Law" to an LLM class. His legal experience was as counsel to the Maritime Union of Australia in the 1990s where he advised on industrial relations and enterprise agreements in the Port of Hobart. Since then he has worked as an academic at several Australian law schools and at the City University of Hong Kong where he was an Assistant Professor mainly teaching the Law of Trusts and Contract Law. TOPIC: "Choice of Law, Demurrage and the Jurisdiction of Australian Courts in an International Shipping Environment"